Ultrasonography (USG) has been a diagnostic imaging procedure introduced since the early 1970s by Dr. Hariarti S Pramulyo, Sp.A(K), upon her return from studies in Australia. Since then, routine USG examinations have been conducted in the Imaging Division of FKUI-RSCM and introduced to Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) members through various training sessions organized by the Pediatric Imaging Working Group.
In 2012, Dr. Evita Karianni Bermanshah Ifran, Sp.A(K), then the chair of the Pediatric Imaging Working Group, observed a shift in the use of USG technology not only by radiologists but also by clinicians who needed immediate information about their patients in life-threatening situations. This shift was recognized globally, and the practice became known as Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) or Clinician-Performed Ultrasound (CPU).
This observation inspired Dr. Evita to train fellows interested in enhancing their USG examination skills. This idea aligned with Dr. Piprim B. Yanuarso, SpA(K)’s perspective that USG and echocardiography could be taught and supervised remotely (telemedicine). This approach would be highly beneficial for Indonesia, an archipelago with 17,000 islands, where the number of medical professionals skilled in USG is limited and unevenly distributed. This marked the beginning of the development of POCUS in Indonesia.
Initially, four pediatricians registered for this training: Dr. Rizalya Dewi, SpA(K), Dr. Dina Djojohusodo, SpA(K), Dr. Hartojo, SpA(K) (deceased), and Dr. Damayani, SpA. All four successfully completed the 6-month fellowship program. Subsequently, they actively participated in various USG meetings abroad, observing the advancements in USG applications and working with the Pediatric Imaging Working Group to promote USG use among pediatric specialists. Despite initial challenges, POCUS was gradually introduced and developed, with growing interest from other clinicians and working groups.
As more pediatricians expressed interest in deepening their USG knowledge, it became necessary to create a platform for them to gather, share experiences, communicate, and discuss the latest developments in USG. This platform was named the Neonatal Pediatric Imaging Network (NeoPIN) and is under the auspices of the Pediatric Imaging Working Group, currently chaired by Dr. HF Wulandari, SpAK. In this platform, any pediatrician can become a member, keeping up with USG advancements and maintaining and enhancing their competencies in line with international developments.
Chairman Imaging Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society
Dr. dr. Evita Karianni Bermanshah Ifran, Sp.A(K)
dr. Rizalya Dewi SpA(K)
Dr. dr. Dina Djojohusodo, Sp.A(K)
dr. Ratno Juniarto Marulitua Sidauruk, Sp.A(K)